番外編 削る道具の歴史







Carpentry can be divided into three main activities: “shaving”, “cutting”, and “digging”. Commonly used tools for these activities include the “kanna” for shaving, the “noko” for cutting, and the “nomi” for digging. If you become proficient with these three tools, you can perform most carpentry work. This makes self-building and DIY projects a little easier to manage. Let’s start by taking a closer look at the “kanna”. When it comes to “kanna”, many people may imagine a “taikanna” with a blade inserted into a wooden base. As you may know, this tool is pulled towards you to shave wood. However, it is said that the “taikanna” appeared in Japan’s tool history during the Muromachi period (1336-1568) when the grip-equipped “tsukikanna” was brought from the Chinese mainland and the Korean Peninsula. So, initially, the “kanna” was a tool that was pushed to shave wood.

Afterwards, improvements were made by the Japanese, resulting in the “kanna” tool that we use today, which is pulled towards you to shave wood. So, what kind of tools did people use to shave wood before the Muromachi period? The main tools used were the “chouna” (hand axe) and the “yarikanna” (spear plane). The process of shaving wood involved horizontally shaving boards and pillars using the “chouna”, and then finishing it off with the “yarikanna”. This “yarikanna” evolved into the wooden-based “taikanna” that we know today. There are still enthusiasts for both the “chouna” and “yarikanna” even today! Then, during the Edo period, the current style of “hiki-kanna” (pull-plane) that we use was developed, leading to the history of “wakanna”. Incidentally, Western-style planes still use a pushing motion for shaving wood. This is due to the fact that Japan has a history of sitting work, whereas Western culture has a history of standing work.

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